Ambassador program

Welcome to the Cosmic FOMO Ambassador Program page! In this section you will find all the information on how to become our game’s Ambassador.

About Cosmic FOMO

Cosmic FOMO is an app that allows learning crypto trading as a game and earning without risking your real assets.

Cosmic FOMO is a completely new educational game app in its segment. With Cosmic FOMO, users can take their initial strides into the realm of secure cryptocurrency management, comprehending the intricacies of trading and mastering the mechanics of the cryptocurrency market, all in a delightful game format. The primary focus of Cosmic FOMO lies in empowering gamers to make informed choices and accurate predictions.

How to become a Cosmic FOMO Ambassador

If you would like to become a Cosmic FOMO Ambassador, please fill out the form stating how you can be of service to the community. The Cosmic FOMO team will be sure to review your application and get back to you with feedback.

Options for user interaction with the Cosmic FOMO Ambassador Program:

  1. Subscribing to all of our channels and continually shilling Cosmic FOMO in your social networks and channels.

  2. Attracting bloggers and affiliates for informational partnerships and advertising integrations.

  3. Attracting new Ambassadors.

  4. Any other collaboration options.

Fill out the form and become an Ambassador:

Cosmic FOMO Social Media

A Cosmic FOMO Ambassador always stays up-to-date with the product, so subscribing to all social media is a must:

Cosmic FOMO Media Resources

Due to a large number of scammers, an Ambassador should be familiar with Cosmic FOMO's official media resources:

*Disclaimer: The data presented herein is strictly for informational purposes, does not constitute financial advice, and is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the development team.

Last updated